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Britney Spears

Sam Lufti Is A Psychotic Stalker, Claims Spears Camp!

We could have told you that, but we’re glad the United States judicial system recognizes it as well!
You all remember Sam Lufti from the bat-shit crazy Brit-Brit years. He was her bestie/”manager”/total insanity instigator! We were so happy when he gave him the boot out of her life and now it seems another celeb has done the same, going as far as filling a restraining order against him for exhibiting “psychotic and extremely dangerous behavior.”
Wowza! He’s been upping his crazy game!
Aspiring actor, Samuel Barth, claims that Sam developed an unhealthy and frightening obsession towards him as they became friends. Looney Lufti went so far as to hack into the guy’s email, Facebook and Twitter accounts, while also terrorizing some of his other family members , like his mother.
Looney Lufti also tried to diagnose the guy with “various mental and emotional problems and forcefully suggesting solutions.” (Sound familiar, Brit-Brit?) When Samuel tried to put some distance between them, Lufti lost it and went on a full scale attack against him and his family. In fact, Lufti tried to turn Samuel against his own mother and his sister, another throwback move from his Britney days.
The judge granted the temporary restraining order today and, among other things, prohibited Lutfi from hacking into the various accounts of Barth and his family. Hopefully, the restraining order will keep Lufti away from this poor guy! We all know it did wonders for Britney once he was gone!
[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 10, 2010 17:40pm PDT

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