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Dina Lohan

Say Hello To Daddy!


Michael Lohan is one step closer to Lindsay, and he’s using his other kids as pawns in his public chess game to check mate his movie star daughter.

The ex-convict was in a Long Island court on Friday with wife Dina.

A judge ruled that Michael will be granted visitation rights to see his two youngest children, Ali and Cody.

The visits have to be supervised, though. A Teen Challenge pastor and two lawyers must be present with Michael during visitations.

This will be interesting. Ali Lohan HATES her father!

In addition, the judge ruled that Dina and Michael and their lawyers should decide who gets what in the divorce settlement, which seems to finally be wrapping up.

He has given them until next Friday to reach an agreement.

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Aug 10, 2007 11:41am PDT

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