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Seal Takes A Tumble While Hitting The Slopes In Mammoth With His Boys!

seal takes a tumble while hitting the slopes with his sons in mammoth
But, did you know, that when it snows, Seal‘s eyes become large and light from the slopes can be seen??
Or, you know, something like that!!
This week, Seal decided to ring in the new year with a little bit of snow as he headed to Mammoth Mountain in California with his sons Henry, 7, and Johan, 8!
He was having a pretty good time on Monday when he ran into none other than Gwen Stefani and shared a kiss (from a rose) with the pop rock princess as he and his boys hit the slopes.
He and his sons were taking their time learning the tricks of the trade in their private lessons, which made the proud poppa decide to hit the slopes with a friend to show off his impressive snowboarding skills!
Unfortunately, Seal might have been a little too confident in his abilities as he also tried to take on cameraman duties and whipped out his phone to film the downhill action, and he got a little distracted and took a tumble!
Maybe he should focus more on the slopes and less on the tiny screen on his phone next time! LOLz!
[Image via AKM-GSI.]

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Dec 31, 2013 18:33pm PDT