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Sean Hannity's Twitter Account Briefly Disappeared Overnight -- And Trump Fans FLIPPED OUT!

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Controversial Fox News pundit Sean Hannity tweeted something weird late Friday night, after which his entire account disappeared for a few hours.
The whole episode sent conservative Twitter users into a tizzy blaming Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, and Robert Mueller, and whoever else it is those crazy conspiracy theorists tend to blame whenever shit happens.
Related: Hannity Completely Fucked Up The Roy Moore Situation, Too
It all started when Hannity sent this random, bizarre tweet right before his account was temporarily wiped out (below):
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And then, his account disappeared.
For a few hours!!
And then, the Donald Trump-loving, Sean Hannity-loving conservative Twitter hordes went CRAZY calling out the wackiest of wacky conspiracy theories and imagining that Twitter was again out to get them.
Just a few of the lowlights (below):

OK but seriously, how many of these people are phony Russian bots???
Just sayin’!!
At least some people had the right take (below):

Love it!!
The fact that this is now political news in the realm of this President and his boot-licking buddy Hannity is just sad.
But here we are…
[Image via Rob Rich/WENN.]

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Jan 27, 2018 13:57pm PDT