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Senate Committee Gives Another Win To LGBT Rights!

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Wow. It really DOES get better!

Wednesday marked another historic day in the fight for equality in America, this time in the workplace.

Currently, in 33 states you can be fired, denied a promotion or be openly harassed at your job just for being gay! But not for long!

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions just passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (better known as ENDA) a bill that will ban workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The bill was voted through 15 to 7 with all democrats supporting it as well as three republicans! Way to go guys!

The 7 Senators who voted no for equality in the workplace: Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Mike Enzi (Wyo.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Johnny Isakson (Ga.), Rand Paul (Ky.), Pat Roberts (Kansas) and Tim Scott (S.C.).

We’re lucky enough to live in America where EVERYONE has a right to their opinion and the freedom of speech to express it, so if you see your Senator listed above, pick up the phone or log-on to their web site and tell them they voted on the WRONG side of history today!

Lucky for history though, they lost!

Love is love! It’s a VERY happy day!

[Image via Facebook.]

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Jul 10, 2013 15:23pm PDT

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