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She Wants Out


Time to check out of the hospital!

A source close to Katherine Heigl reveals that the actress wants out of her Grey’s Anatomy contract.

The insider says, ├óΓé¼┼ôShe’s working really long hours and is ready to move on.├óΓé¼┬¥

Heigl doesn’t really ‘need’ Grey’s anymore, right? She has proven that she’s a movie star. Hiegl-fronted flicks Knocked Up and 27 Dresses were box office gold.

A movie industry expert is quoted as saying, “She’s a smart one. She saw what can happen with someone like Jennifer Aniston, who was crazy successful on TV, but can’t seem to carry a film, and she tested the waters early.”

Unfortunately, Heigl probably won’t get what she wants says the source — she’s locked in to her Grey’s contract.

We assume they’re right! ABC and its parent company, Disney, aren’t the kind of people who’ll let a cash cow walk away so easily!

Moooooooooo!!!!!! Milk her!

[Image via Getty Images.]

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May 08, 2008 10:45am PDT

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