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Piers Morgan

​Shia LaBeouf's Art Show Collaborators Sort Of Confirm He Was Raped! Read Their Statement On The Attack HERE!

Shia LaBeouf's art show collaborators confirm he was raped
What will Piers Morgan have to say about this???
Shia LaBeouf recently claimed that he was raped during his #IAMSORRY art show, and now, he’s got potential backup.
[ Related: Piers Morgan Goes On A Twitter Rant Regarding Shia’s Rape Claims ]
Nastja Säde Rönkkö
and Luke Turner (Shia’s artistic collaborators) both tweeted in defense of the actor, after Piers called BS on the situation, saying:

A couple of important clarifications about our #IAMSORRY project earlier this year:
— Luke Turner (@Luke_Turner) November 30, 2014

Nowhere did we state that people could do whatever they wanted to Shia during #IAMSORRY.
— Luke Turner (@Luke_Turner) November 30, 2014

As soon as we were aware of the incident starting to occur, we put a stop to it and ensured that the woman left.
— Luke Turner (@Luke_Turner) November 30, 2014

@piersmorgan It wasn’t clear at the time precisely what had happened, & the 1st priority was to ensure everybody’s safety in the gallery├óΓé¼┬ª1/2
— Luke Turner (@Luke_Turner) November 30, 2014

@piersmorgan She ran out, rather than simply walking away. Beyond that, it’s not my place to comment. 2/2
— Luke Turner (@Luke_Turner) November 30, 2014

Nastja tweeted the exact same thing, minus the comments to Piers.
They didn’t come out and say sexual assault occurred, but they did refer to an “incident,” which makes Shia’s story feasible.
This whole thing is so sad!
Sound off on your thoughts about Shia’s attack in the comments (below)!

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Dec 01, 2014 12:09pm PDT

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