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Celebs At Airports

Shia LaBeouf Realizes He MIght Actually NOT Be Famous Anymore In A Pretty Embarrassing Way -- And It's All Caught On Tape!

Where’s your bag now, bro?!
After walking out of a press conference and reminding everyone that he’s “not famous anymore,” Shia LaBeouf was spotted aimlessly walking around LAX looking for his limo driver!
And for awhile, it seems like the driver might not just MIA — it starts to look like one was never called!
Yes, for longer than he may really have liked, Shi-Shi had to deal with the trials and tribulations of being a normal person, not a famous actor!
LOLz! We’re totally kidding.
Shia is 100% still famous no matter how much he denies it!
The actor, who is definitely not retiring, goes on an epic adventure around the airport to try and find his driver to no avail, until, finally the driver emerges!
Except — awkward — Shia has to follow the driver on ANOTHER long walk through the parking complex to the drivers car!
Man, all Shi-Shi needs is a hobbit and a dragon to fight and he could be reenacting the Desolation of Smaug: LAX Edition!
Ch-ch-check out the crazy walk (above)!!!!
[Video via PCN.]

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Feb 11, 2014 12:35pm PDT

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