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Shut Up, Vadge!

There’s nothing more annoying than a celebrity complaining about being a celebrity.
Vanessa Hudgens didn’t get that memo!
It seems her Disney rise to fame and dating one of the hottest actors around is getting to her.
The 19 year-old took some time for an interview recently while she and Zac Efron were staying in Sydney, Australia.
Amongst other things, VaneXXXa says that she hates being photographed. Hudgens claims, “I mean, put yourself in my situation: people who you do not know taking pictures of you in your own room! It’s obnoxious and invasive, and I don’t know why they would do it.”
She also complains about going to events.
She says, “We have had a few crazy premieres, including in Mexico, where there were about 140 security guards there holding barricades up around us. I’m kind of claustrophobic, so being caged in every so often gets kind of frightening.”
And it seems she’s more of a homebody. She says, “I don’t go clubbing, anyway; it just doesn’t seem like fun to me.”
Wow, it looks like Zacquisha must have a lot of fun with Hudgens.
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 13, 2008 13:15pm PDT