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Can Worms And Spiders Mend Broken Bones? In The Future They Can!

In the future, instead of metal screws, plates and pins, silk screws harvested from spiders and silkworms will mend your bones!
When a bone is badly fractured or broken, it often requires surgery.
That surgery sometimes involves putting metal plates and steel screws into a person’s body. Putting metal into your body to help you heal sounds like a futuristic concept… to those living in the past!
The future is coming quickly, and it’s not metal screws… it’s silk screws! Made by friendly spiders and worms!
No, they don’t work in a tiny bug factory, building screws all day only to eventually be replaced by bug robots.
Screws can be made of silk from spiders and silkworms because they have some amazing properties. Like not staying inside you forever and, when stretched, being five times stronger than steel. That’s nuts!
A paper in Nature Communications, published on the subject, read:

“The silk screws remained in the bone for up to eight weeks before gradually being reabsorbed by the body, eliminating the need for surgical removal. And since silk is invisible on X-ray radiographs, the screws don’t obstruct doctors’ views of the healing process around the wound.”

Wow, some of our most advanced technology has been on this planet all along.
Who’d have thought it’d be hiding up spider butts?

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Apr 09, 2014 17:26pm PDT

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