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Iconic '90s Comedian Sinbad Learning To Walk Again After Near-Fatal 2020 Stroke

comedian sinbad still learning to walk again after 2020 stroke

Sinbad is still fighting to get back to his old self.

It was almost exactly two years ago that the comedian (whose real name is David Adkins) suffered a debilitating stroke. His family released a statement in November of 2020 asking for prayers for their “beloved husband and father”:

“It is out of sincere love that we share Sinbad, our beloved husband and father, is recovering from a recent stroke. Sinbad is a light source of love and joy for many generations. While he is beginning his road to recovery, we are faithful and optimistic that he will bring laughter into our hearts soon. Our family thanks you in advance for your love and support and ask for continued prayers for his healing. We also ask that you please respect our privacy during this time.”

Now, on Monday, the Adkins family released another statement via a website titled The Journey Forward — and they’re revealing exactly what happened.

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According to the site’s title page, the actor suffered not one — but two — blood clots:

“On October 25, 2020, Sinbad suffered an ischemic stroke as a result of a blood clot that traveled from his heart to his brain. He was rushed into surgery at West Hills Medical Center that night where the doctor’s performed a thrombectomy to remove the clot and restore normal blood flow to the brain. After surgery, Sinbad was talking and moving with some weakness, but the prognosis was very promising. The next day, however, another blood clot formed, half the size of the first. He underwent the same surgery again successfully but it took a little more from him than the first surgery.”

Oh no!

After the then-64-year-old’s second surgery, a brain bleed was discovered by the medical team and he was put back into the ICU:

“He was transferred to Cedar Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles where the doctors indicated that his brain had begun to swell. They performed a craniotomy to relieve the pressure and reduce the swelling. During surgery, however, the doctors discovered a bleed. It was hours before the family learned Sinbad had returned to the Neuro-ICU in a medically induced coma and placed on a ventilator. Our hearts were devastated. The road to recovery became unclear and extremely difficult for the family to navigate.”

When the comedian finally woke up weeks later, he suffered serious amounts of paralysis across his body:

“It would be weeks before he would open his eyes, speak, or show signs of basic mobility. It wasn’t long before we realized he couldn’t move his left side or simply hold his head up. The more time passed the more the family learned how much had been lost.”


The family notes for the next several months after that, Sinbad was moved around to different intense care facilities where he began the recovery process. Luckily, though, he made “considerable progress” and was even allowed to come home in July 2021 — nine months after he initially had the stroke.

Since then he’s only gotten stronger and stronger. In fact, he’s regaining control of body parts which were believed to be “dead”:

“Limbs that were said to be ‘dead’ are coming alive and he’s taking the steps necessary to learn to walk again. In his own words, ‘I am not done. I will not stop fighting until I can walk across the stage again.’ And neither will we.”

The website notes that the survival odds of something like this are extremely low — but the 66-year-old has already come so far in his journey:

“Survival odds from this type of event are approximately 30%. Sinbad has already beaten the odds and has made significant progress beyond what anyone expected, but there are still miles to go … The family believes, without exception, Sinbad is here because of the multitude of prayers from all who know and love him. We are eternally grateful. Every outpouring of love and the memories of how he has touched all of you have not gone unheard, unseen, or unfelt. Thank you. You have lifted his spirits along the way and inspired the entire family.”

Sadly, the medical bills for the First Kid star have become a struggle for his family, so they’re using the site as a place where people can donate to help cover the costs. The comic himself even put an optimistic statement on the page, saying he can’t wait to see everyone “very soon”:

“Thank God for everything He’s given you, even if it’s not everything you asked for. Thank God for family and hug the ones you love while you’re still with them. We need each other to get through this journey. I can’t wait to see you all again soon.
As always, stay funky, stay prayed up.”

If you’d like to donate to the family, you can do so HERE.

We’re sending healing and light to Sinbad and his loved ones. We hope to see him walking across that stage again soon — and doing a whole new set about his recovery!

[Image via Brian To/]

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Nov 22, 2022 11:58am PDT