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Jesse Metcalfe

When Hasbeens Attack AGAIN!


Some people will never learn.

As we mentioned yesterday, former actor and douchebag Jesse Metcalfe and his “entourage” assaulted a Perezcious reader’s friend who was part of a bachelor party in San Diego this past weekend.

We guess when you’re career goes nowhere you might have a ton of aggression building up inside.

But violence is never the answer!

Now, we come to find out that just before the weekend assault, Metcalfe was at it again, causing problems everywhere he goes.

The Ivy Hotel in San Diego offered Metcalfe a free room for hosting their “Seduction Thursday” party.

Unfortunately for the hotel, they probably ended up losing money because of him.

Upon checkout, the hotel room was TRASHED. Very much so like Metcalfe’s career.

A source says, “There was major damage. His suite had cigarette burns in the furniture. There was food all over the walls and a broken door. All of the alcohol in the bar had been drunk.”


Then, Metcalfe wanted to stay an extra day and spend Friday night at the hotel as well, but he was asked to leave instead.

As he should have been.

Hope he was slapped with a bill for the cleanup and repairs. Cuz you know if it were any “regular” person, they’d have to payup!

And, although we can’t image why he would even need a rep, Metcalfe’s publicist says his client “left his room, and [other people] made the mess.”

Yeah, right!

Sounds like someone should go back to rehab. And stay there!

[Image via WENN.]

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May 20, 2008 18:00pm PDT

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