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Spencer Pratt

Spencer: "This Is The Real Me"

We’re not sure why, but somehow Spencer Pratt managed to score a two page feature in the new issue of In Touch.
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Spencer: “This is the real me”
Spencer Pratt and his loved ones insist he’s a nice, normal guy who’s just misunderstood
As the most controversial figure on the MTV reality series The Hills, Spencer Pratt has his share of haters, but the 23-year-old fiancé and manager of Heidi Montag has given In Touch intimate access to his life, family and friends — and he’s not who everyone thinks he is!
He doesn’t care about fame
“I grew up living a normal life,” Spencer tells In Touch. “I don’t care about the celebrity life. My parents are not in the business and I didn’t grow up living off of them.” Spencer’s dad is a dentist (to the stars) and while Spencer attended the celeb kid-friendly Crossroads school in Santa Monica, he’s always wanted his own career. “I thought I was Doogie Howser!” he jokes. “At 13, I was taking business classes at USC. My idol was Bill Gates.”
A close friend says, “I can remember Spencer at 8 years old saying, ‘I know how we can make a lot of money!’ He’s very passionate, but people don’t take him seriously.” Of course, as a teenager, he wasn’t all about business. “He definitely went through a period of partying and having fun,” says a pal. “But it wasn’t bad in comparison to what some of our classmates were doing.”
Despite how he may come across on the show, “I can remember being in the fifth grade and having Spencer call me just to ask me about how I was doing,” says a friend.
Back then, “Spencer was never a ladies’ man — that wasn’t his thing,” says another pal. “He had a serious girlfriend at USC, but she broke his heart.” The pal adds, “In the last few years, I know Spencer was not eager to date anyone. Until he met Heidi — then it changed.”
When it comes to Heidi, Spencer can’t stop talking. “I have never met a girl like her,” he says. “We’ve both been in bad relationships before and this is the best.” His mother, Janet Pratt, tells In Touch, “Heidi and Spencer are so in love. They basically live at my house and my friends make fun of me because I allow them to sleep in the same bed under my roof. Honest to God, I don’t think I have ever seen them fight. Spencer’s last two girlfriends would fight with him all of the time.”
Still, Spencer says a wedding is far off. “We are too busy to plan it.” As for his future, “Managing Heidi’s music career is the most important thing,” he says. But there’s also a career in rapping. “If people liked my rap [on Heidi’s leaked single] ‘Body Language’ and if I get a good response, I would do some more!”
“Spencer’s 80-year old nana, Joan Wilson, is his biggest fan,” says his mom, Janet. “She wants to star t a Heidi and Spencer fan club!”
“Spencer is a total goofball and is the opposite of what people see on The Hills,” says a close friend. “He’s always been a schemer, an outgoing prankster type of kid.”
What happened with Brody?
Spencer and former friend Brody Jenner are no longer speaking, all because of Lauren Conrad! “Brody broke up with his non-famous girlfriend, Olivia Pokorny, to go out with Lauren,” claims a friend. “Spencer was Brody’s manager and he ended their business relationship because, by going out with Spencer’s worst enemy, it proved that Brody had no loyalty.”
Spencer’s personal family photo album
Say cheese!
Age 2: “My mom took so many pictures of me, it was like growing up with the paparazzi!”
What a cutie!
Age 3: “He’s a fabulous person and the entire family is so proud of him,” says his mom.
Age 4: “The teachers loved him because he was so charismatic,” says a pal.
Charm champ
Age 5: “He was always a fun-loving kid,” says a close pal.
Film buff
Age 8: “My dad took me to movies all of the time,” says Spencer.
Soccer star
Age 14: “I thought I’d be a pro soccer player,” says Spencer, with his mom.

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Aug 21, 2007 12:41pm PDT

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