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Who Can Resist Singing Along To Wannabe When It Comes On? No One -- Especially These Guys!! Here Are The Top 10 Vines Of The Week!

spice girls wannabe top 10 vines
I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!
LOLz! See?! It’s so difficult NOT to sing along to that catchy Spice Girls song!
There were SO many great Vines this week it was definitely hard to pick a top ten!
We love that they’re all so topical, especially the giant iPhone parody. Imagine seeing THAT giant device at the mall in a person’s hands!
Ch-ch-check out the top 10 Vines of the week (below)!!
10. It’s hard to resist singing along when a song THIS good comes on!

9. Don’t you just hate buzzkills? This guy does!

8. It’s amazing how much you can do with a green screen and some creativity!

7. HA! Terms & conditions as told by parents and accepted by the new generation!

6. Well…this is a great magic trick? LOLz!

5. #iPhone6

4. Best dog trainer in the world! Where can we get her number??

3. Coffee, it does crazy things to you.

2. Those puppy dog eyes, they just reel you in!

1. This girl is having the best day ever!!

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Sep 19, 2014 19:43pm PDT

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