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Spring Awakening To Possibly Begin Production This Year -- But Will Lea Michele & Jonathan Groff Consider Reprising Their Roles?!

lea michele jonathan groff spring awakening for your consideration
Please, oh please, let this happen!
From its start on Broadway, Spring Awakening has captured the hearts on many and now, composer and recording artist, Duncan Sheik is trying to get it made into a movie with his partner in crime, Steven Sater!
In an interview with the San Diego Union-Tribune, Duncan talked about his upcoming projects and revealed he’s in the process of getting Spring Awakening made into a movie.
He revealed:

We’re trying to get the Spring Awakening movie made this year. It’s in process, and we have a fancy director (McG) and a fancy producer (Playtone, Tom Hanks’ company) involved. So fingers crossed we’ll be diving into it.

And with a musical turned movie almost always comes new music, right??
Duncan talks about writing a new song for the Broadway musical turned movie:

You always have to write a new song. People say all kinds of stuff about this: “Oh, we really needed this moment of emotion for the character to come alive.” But the real truth always is that it├óΓé¼Γäós the only way you├óΓé¼Γäóre eligible for an Academy Award, is to have a new song.
(So) we├óΓé¼Γäóve written the song. I can├óΓé¼Γäót wait to do it – I hope i get to do it, to record it.

Casting has yet to be announced, but we’ve got two names for you, Duncan.
Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff.
These two stars got their start on Broadway with that very play! They would certainly come full circle if they were casted as the leads of Spring Awakening!
Just how amazing would that be?!
[Image via Adriana M. Barraza/FayesVision/WENN.]

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Mar 31, 2014 22:02pm PDT