On Wednesday Oprah will speak with ousted View member Star Jones regarding her rapid weight loss and its surrounding controversy.
The fur-loving former attorney argues that her gastric bypass surgery was not “an easy way out.”
In the episode, which has already been taped, Star refers to her weight problem as an addiction, saying, “I was an addict for all practical purposes, that I had never stuck to a real diet, that I’d never stuck to a real exercise program, and that when confronted by my doctor and the doctor said if you don’t make changes, you will die. I had no choice. … When you hear people say, oh, you took the easy way out, I would have longed for an easy way. It was not an easy way. It was this — the hardest struggle of my whole entire life and I still struggle.”
We wonder what sort of wisdom The O will offer Star!
[Image via WENN.]
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