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This Family Is Suing Starbucks After They Discovered What Was Allegedly The Barista's Blood On Their Cup!

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No. No. Noooo.
This is truly our worst nightmare! A family is suing Starbucks after they found what is believed to be the barista’s blood imprinted on their cups!!!
Back in 2016, Amanda and Louis Vice ordered multiple drinks at a San Bernardino location of the coffee chain — when a family member noticed a “red smear” with a “strong metallic smell” after their two-year-old daughter had already begun licking whipped cream off the Java Chip Frappuccino.
Related: Kelly Osbourne Accuses Starbucks Of Forcing Her To Pee Her Pants
Vice told KTLA of the incident:

“Once we drank it, then we could see on the inside of the rim that there was blood. She was licking the whipped cream where it had been sitting on top … My wife and my baby just drank someone’s blood.”

The family’s lawyer Stan Pekler claims Starbucks acknowledged that a barista had been bleeding, and that she was instructed to stop making customer’s drinks — which clearly she didn’t. The company apparently offered the family free drinks for a week before offering them $1,000 each. The family turned this down as they said it “does not begin to compensate the family for suffered injuries and damages for which Starbucks is liable.”
In response to the news, Starbucks spokesman Reggie Borges told People:

“We’ve been working directly with [the family] to find a resolution since this allegedly happened almost two years ago, so we were surprised that they filed a lawsuit last week. And we were even more surprised that their legal team put out a news release on Wednesday and felt the need to blast it out to media. We’ll continue to try to work with the family to try to come to a resolution and get a better understanding of what they feel is fair based on these allegations. But now that it’s become a lawsuit we are fully prepared to make our case on this matter.”

Eep. What would U do if you found blood on your cup??? SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!
[Image via KTLA.]

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Feb 09, 2018 17:22pm PDT

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