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Starbucks Loses Lawsuit Against 'Charbucks' Coffee Roast

Starbucks Loses Lawsuit Against 'Charbucks' Coffee Roast

Starbucks charbucks lawsuit
Underdog stories are the best and that’s why we’re so happy to hear that Black Bear Micro Roastery, a coffee shop in Center Tuftonboro, New Hampshire, was able to beat a lawsuit dating back to 1997 from massive corporate coffee chain, Starbucks.
Starbucks has been suing them for years over Black Bear’s “Charbucks” roast, which uses the slogan, “You wanted it dark…you’ve got it dark!”
Charbucks is a term that has been used by unhappy Starbucks customers to describe the overly roasted beans in their coffee, so we guess that could be why Starbucks was so unhappy with the term being used by a (very, very, very small) competitor.
A U.S. District Court in New York has told Starbucks to layoff the New Hampshire roastery for good because consumers “are not likely to impair the distinctiveness of the famous Starbucks marks.”
So although someone may take a sip of the coffee corporation’s coffee and bitterly refer to it as charbucks, they still know they are drinking Starbucks. However, if they go order Charbucks from Black Bear, they will happily be drinking Charbucks.

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Jan 03, 2012 13:30pm PDT

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