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Perezcious Parenting

Stay-At-Home Moms Are Worth $96,261 Annually

claire modern family
Suck it!!
This goes out to all the stay-at-home moms (and dads) that are told they “don’t have a job”!!!
Some awesome homemakers decided to crunch the numbers to find out the monitory value of their thankless 24-7 services.
Here are their calculations:

Private Chef = $52,260 per year
Personal chefs make around $200 to $500 a day, plus grocery delivery services generally come with a $5-10 fee
Housekeeping = $6,136 per year
Average standard weekly maid service costs about $118 per week
Child Care = $31,200 per year
This is a big one! A good nanny costs between $600-950 per week AND gets health benefits and sick days
Driver = $4,168 per year
Red Cap, which provides just the drivers (not the car), runs about $1,000, plus between 33 cents and $2 per minute
Laundry Service = $936 per year
Lets go with 90 cents and $1 per pound to wash, dry, fold, hand, and steam your clothes
Lawn Maintenance = $1,560 per year
Most moms don’t do all their yard work (after all, that’s why you had kids), so lets assume your weekly services cost about $30 per week

Grand Total: $96,261 per year!!!!
And that’s just the basics! Some moms do lots of other things like touter, or make home repairs, or act as a personal shopper, ect..
Next time next time you feel taken for granted, give your family a bill!

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Feb 17, 2012 09:30am PDT

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