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Endangered Tiger Cubs Born At Busch Gardens Tampa!!

Tiger Cubs
There are few things cuter than tiger cubs!
We somehow find them even cuter when they’re endangered – we guess because they’re so rare and special.
That’s why we were so excited to learn that three endangered Malayan Tiger cubs were born at Busch Gardens Tampa!
The litter of pretty kitties includes two boys and one girl, and they weigh between six and seven pounds.
Scientists estimate that only about 500 remain in the wild, so these cubs are extra special.
These are the first cubs at Busch Gardens Tampa, and the first babies for mama Bzui and papa Mata.
As for now, the cubs are hanging out behind the scenes with their mama and the tiger handlers.
Soon they’re gonna be introduced to the other tigers, and they’ll be able to romp around the jungle enclosure!
But for now they’re going to just be a big bunch of fuzzy cuties!!
[Image via Busch Gardens Tampa.]

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May 24, 2013 12:00pm PDT

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