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Super Tiny Kitten's Ears Wiggle When Bottle Fed! The Aww Factor Is Out Of Control!

A cute little kitty's ears wiggle while being bottle fed! Ahhhh so sweet!!!
Awwww! This is so super sweet!
What is it about baby kittens that makes us want to squeeze them all forever and ever?!
As if a super tiny kitty wasn’t cute enough on its own, someone had to go and swaddle it in a blanket and then bottle feed it!
The awww factor is at an 8 out of 10!
But then… the kitten’s ears start wiggling as he drinks!!
Ahhh! Cuteness factor of one million!
We’ve even seen this before, and we still can’t get enough of kitty ear wiggles.
It can turn even the worst day into a beautiful day of sunshine and rainbows!
So check out the video (below) we swear you won’t regret it!

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Feb 25, 2014 18:55pm PDT

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