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Target Is All For Marriage Equality! In Fact, They're Fighting For It!

target supports gay marriage
Another victory!
Target is for marriage equality and they’re not hiding it!
The mega corporation is taking a stand with other BIG companies by adding their name to a legal defense for gay marriage in hopes of overturning Wisconsin and Indiana’s same-sex marriage bans.
Along with Apple, Intel, and Starbucks, Target has signed a court brief that is fighting for marriage equality!
Target’s Vice President of Human Resources, Jodee Kozlak, declared:

“It is our belief that everyone should be treated equally under the law, and that includes rights we believe individuals should have related to marriage.”

We could NOT agree more!
The people at Target have come a long way since donating to equal marriage hater, Republican Tom Emmer.
Welcome to the war! We’re glad to have you stand with us!

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Aug 07, 2014 21:28pm PDT

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