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Ted Danson Speaks Out Against Oil Drilling

Ted Danson at the Green Auction: A Bid To Save The Earth

While filming the movie Everybody Loves Whales in Alaska, Ted Danson took a break from acting and decided to speak out against exploratory drilling in Alaska’s Arctic Ocean.

Danson, who is a board member of the ocean advocacy group, Oceana, said “If you’re going to drill in environmentally sensitive areas, make sure you’ve got it right. And we haven’t gotten it right yet.”

He testified that the environmental plan set forth by the agency in charge of the drilling falls short.

Danson said that he feels torn, since there are people who survive on oil money, however “their spiritual and cultural life depends on whaling, bowhead whale, and they feel that may or may not be in jeopardy from this drilling.”

Oceana is hoping that this oil drilling, which is mainly accounted for by Shell Oil, will hold off for at least 5 years to figure everything out so there is not another catastrophe.

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Nov 10, 2010 17:00pm PDT

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