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Film Flickers

Liverpool Audience Demands Refund After Learning The Artist Is A Silent Film

This is pretty outrageous. First of all, who goes to see a movie without knowing the major details. Hell, the selling point of this film is that it’s a silent flick. Maybe some people need to learn how to use!
A theater audience in Liverpool demanded that their tickets be refunded for a showing of The Artist after it became clear to them that there would be little sound in the movie aside from some music. After the “small group” of patrons stormed out of the theater, ushers made their way through the aisle to alert other viewers that the movie was a silent flick. A 25-year-old film fan simply “laughed” at the situation and thought it was “really funny” that people didn’t read up about the film before seeing it.
LOL. All we imagine is some dude screaming from the 3rd row of the theater, “Sound … Sound … Sound!”
A spokesman for the theatre released this statement following, saying:

“Odeon Liverpool One can confirm it has issued a small number of refunds to guests who were unaware that The Artist was a silent film. The cinema is happy to offer guests a refund on their film choice is they raise concern with a member of staff within 10 minutes of the film starting.”

Guess that’s all it took!
Just so everyone who is reading this article is clear: The Artist is a SILENT, BLACK AND WHITE movie. The movie is thematic moved along through music, NOT dialogue. Just like in them olden days! But it will still be one of the most enjoyable movies you see this year, we think!
Any of U see it? What were your thoughts?

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Jan 19, 2012 05:30am PDT

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