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Broadway Babies

Perez Reviews: The Last Ship

The Last Ship is the first musical of the new Broadway season we have seen and it is ambitious and it’s from Sting and, unfortunately, it’s very disappointing.
The best way to describe the show is… like Billy Elliot without any gayness or without the heart and dazzle that show has.
The Last Ship is bleak, and though there are some moments of levity, the darkness far outweighs the light.
And as we could tell by the opening night audience, there’s only so much heaviness people want and can take!
The main problem with the show is the book, by John Logan and Brian Yorkey, and the decision to make the socio-political story the main one, while the more compelling love story and the father/son story played second fiddle.
If people were more invested in the characters and more attention paid to them and less to the more global “economic drama” in the show, The Last Ship would have been far more compelling!
The female lead, played by Rachel Tucker, is SEN-SA-TIONAL! She’s almost too good! She makes her male counterpart pale in comparison.
Choreographer Steven Hoggett did a super job of injecting the show with some much needed joie de vivre, but those moments were few and far between.

We appreciate all that The Last Ship attempted to do. We just wish it would have done it all more effectively!

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Oct 27, 2014 03:32am PDT

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