Denise Richards sat down with TV’s Extra and continued to repeat the tall tales – and more!- she told every other media outlet this week while promoting her shiteous new reality show, It’s Complicated.
But, after speaking with Richards, the folks at Extra did some digging!
Look at what they’ve uncovered!!!!!!!
– Denise told Extra, “I’ll be honest with you. I need to work. I need to support my children├óΓé¼┬ªI have bills like everyone else.” But, the show discovered that Richards could make nearly half a million dollars from her reality show and also found that since the end of her marriage, she has received almost $5 million from Charile Sheen. In addition, Richards will continue to receive $55,000 a month for child support for the next fifteen years – all tax free. How much more does she need?
– Denise says to the celeb magazine show, “I’m a good mom. I’m raising my daughters on my own├óΓé¼┬ªI don’t want nannies raising my kids.” Liar! Extra reveals that Richards has two nannies on her payroll.
– In regards to the sperm request e-mail Richards responds, “This is not an email I sent to anyone. Period. I do not want Charlie Sheen’s sperm.” However, Extra has learned that a forensics expert has scrutinized the email and says it’s authentic.
Just how will lying Denise spin her way out of these revelations?????
[Image via Mavrix Online.]