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M. Night Shyamalan Returns To Horror! But Is His New Movie Trailer Terrifying Or Terrible??

M. Night Shyamalan is going back to his roots!
The low budget The Visit marks the director’s first step back into the horror genre since 2008’s The Happening, which even star Mark Wahlberg panned!
[ Video: The New Trailer For The Poltergeist Remake Is EVEN SCARIER! What The HECK?? ]
Hopefully, The Visit will be more in line with The Sixth Sense, M. Night’s breakout hit.
It includes found footage — a popular horror storytelling method — so that’s a start! LOLz!
Ch-ch-check out the video (above) to see if you think this movie looks genuinely scary — or just scary bad!!

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Apr 24, 2015 15:25pm PDT

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