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Uma Thurman

There's Crazy People All Around


Uma Thurman‘s mom testified Tuesday against the crazy stalker who was harassing her daughter.

An ex-mental patient, Jack Jordan 37, is accused of calling and threatening to kill himself unless Uma fulfilled his love fantasies. He’s apparently been stalking Uma for about two years.

Aside from the call, there were also 19 emails that Jordan sent. Oh, and Mr. Crazy also turned up at her trailer during a SoHo movie shoot. AND he even rang the doorbell at her Greenwich Village home.

The family obviously feared the mentally ill Jordan might redirect his suicidal urges and go after Thurman or her children.

Uma’s mother, Birgitte Thurman, stated that Jordan “believed he and my daughter had a predestined life, that he knew this and she didn’t. I tried to explain this is a fantasy. … My daughter has no interest in meeting him. He said if that was the case, then there was no meaning in life for him, he would have to kill himself.”

An email from Jordan, read in court by Uma’s father, states “Today the center of my forehead is ticking now and then. I feel in love with your daughter Uma. Please don’t feel you have a stalker on your hands.”

Uma may be set to testify on Thursday.

Let’s hope she’s convincing enough to keep the crazy guy away!

[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 30, 2008 14:00pm PDT

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