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Titan Sub Billionaire's Stepson Tweets He 'Still Can't Get Laid' After Inheriting Millions

Stepson Of Billionaire Killed In Titanic Sub Implosion Back On Twitter Complaining He 'Still Can't Get Laid' After Inheritance

The problematic stepson of Titan sub victim Hamish Harding is at it again!

Since the death of his billionaire stepfather in the horrific OceanGate submersible implosion, Brian Szasz has been the forefront of seemingly endless online controversy. Seriously, five people were killed because of safety issues being ignored, and he still might be the aspect people find most offensive…

Related: OceanGate Has Officially ‘Suspended’ All Operations Following Implosion

It all started when Szasz made that infamous Twitter post about seeing Blink-182 in the midst of his stepdad being reported missing on the Titan sub. At the time, he wrote:

“My stepdad Hamish is on this submarine lost at sea. I’m devastated but coming to the San Diego show tonight so you guys can give me hope and cheer me up”

Following that, he got into pretty big beef with Cardi B who had called him out for going to the concert rather than being with his family. He also took quite the beating for hitting on OnlyFans models through social media — all while his stepdad was lost on the bottom of the ocean. He finally made a statement on Instagram defending himself:

“Thanks for the love and support. Here are the facts, OK? Believe it or not, I have about $100 to my name. I can’t go out to the ocean. I have a legal situation keeping me here as well. I can’t get on a flight. I don’t have a passport. I was sitting here yesterday watching the news for two days straight. I go to a Blink-182 show because I have a ticket.”

It did NOT help, unsurprisingly. He ended up shutting down his social media accounts for a while.

But now he’s back on Twitter! We guess he figured enough time has passed since the horrific death of his family member. Following all the drama, he’s now boasting about how he’s got much more to his name than $100 now — but that’s still not helping him with the ladies, apparently!

The 37-year-old audio engineer said in a since-deleted tweet on Tuesday:

“With millions to spare, I still can’t get laid.”

Ok… ick…

That’s not all, though — it seems he’s right back on the train of flirting with random OF models on the site. In another tweet, he teased his newfound wealth again, writing:

“With all this cash I just want a girl to hangout with please!”

Effing blatant.

Social media users were quick to come at him again with backlash, with one person declaring anything he got in Harding’s will “above $0” was “too much.” Brian responded by boasting he got a hefty amount:

“More than you’ll make in a lifetime.”

So classy…

Since the initial posts, he’s gone on to declare the hate isn’t bothering him because he’s “from New Jersey”:

“I’ve honestly never been bothered by mean people on twitter! I’m originally from New Jersey, we have thick skin. We’re a different breed! New Jersey strong!”

He’s also gone on to say he’s taking his supporters to see Taylor Swift:

“Everyone who has been kind to me I’m taking to Taylor Swifts Eras tour in LA!”

If he can afford to see Taylor, he’s DEFINITELY got more than a c-note in his pocket.

Ch-ch-check out this pic he posted brushing off the criticism (below):

These are the lyrics he chose out of all of Tay’s songs? We’re sure Cardi would agree, and not ironically either…

Reactions, Perezcious readers?

[Image via Brian Szasz/Twitter/Blue Origin/YouTube]

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Jul 12, 2023 18:11pm PDT