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Tyrese Kicked Out Of Delaware Radio Station For Condemning Liquor Near Schools

Tyrese Delaware Radio Station Alcohol Liquor School Education Free Speech
Last we heard of singer/actor Tyrese, he was rumored to be dating Whitney Houston.
But now he’s found himself in the headlines once again for standing up for children’s safety in a Delaware radio station.
Here’s what happened…
Tyrese went into WBJR KISS 101.7 for an interview.
During his air time, however, Tyrese commented on seeing a liquor store near a school on his way to the station.
He then made a sincere plea to hear him out regarding the issue, stating:

Get them cats out of here, selling alcohol right across from your kids school, homie, put the pressure on them homie, you know how to put pressure on dudes selling in your hood.

Sounds reasonable enough, right? It’s not like he was bashing the entire community. He was just bringing attention to a potentially harmful situation involving minors and their education.
But the management of the radio station felt differently…
During a commercial break, they asked him to leave the building, because the owner felt he was “disrespecting” the community.
After being kicked outt, Tyrese tweeted:

I just kicked out of a radio station from a PD (program director) who had a problem w/ me speaking on liquor stores that are by elementary schools in Delaware.
In 17 years I have NEVER been kicked out of a radio station.. Because I have a problem w/ liquor stores being across from elementary schools?
I was also told that the PD made them ERASE my interview so that NO ONE could HEAR me SPEAK on the issue of the liquor stores near kids..
If you don’t STAND for something.. You will damn near fall for Anything..

We agree with you, Tyrese! The owner sounds a little too uptight for our liking!!
They would have looked SO much better if they had just let you speak your peace, and THEN given their opinions.
Or better yet, they could actually consider your opinion and use it to make Delaware an even better community!
But unfortunately, pride once again gets in the way of progress…
[Image via Johnny Louis/WENN.]

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Sep 28, 2011 14:10pm PDT

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