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Teen Mom

Watch Teen Mom 2's Jenelle Evans Have A Meltdown Because She Can't Smoke Pot

Oh boo hoo! Yeah, we really feel sorry for you!
What a friggin’ disaster this girl is.
Yeah, being a teen mom can be really hard and having cameras in your face while you’re in your most vulnerable state isn’t a cakewalk either, but there has to be some boundaries, gurl!
In the latest episode of Get Your Shiz Together 2 Teen Mom 2, mom of the year/decade/century Jenelle Evans has an actual meltdown because she can’t smoke pot for a year. After one of her many probation hearings, a judge orders Jenelle to stay off drugs and tells her she is not allowed to be around alcohol or get in trouble – FOR JUST A YEAR.
Can ya handle that??? Guess not!
Meanwhile, her 2-year-old son Jace sits at home with Jenelle’s mom Barbara, wondering why the few times he gets to see his mother, she’s always fighting, yelling, or crying about some loser named Kieffer, or as Babs likes to call him, Kieffah!
Great job, Jenelle. You know, at first, we were willing to give you a few chances, but this is just downright ridic. And you still WANT custody of your son? Hmm, doesn’t really look like it here…

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Feb 02, 2012 12:00pm PDT

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