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Wendy Williams

Wendy Williams Gives Health Update & Reveals Podcast Plans In New Video Interview

Wendy Williams Updates Fans On Her Health & Reveals Plan To Podcast From 'The France' In Bizarre New Interview

Wendy Williams is speaking out about her plans for the future, and she’s very clear about at least one thing: she is “100 percent retired” from being a regular daytime TV host.

The 57-year-old star popped up on TMZ Live on Tuesday afternoon to talk about her forthcoming gig to stay in the public eye by… (drumroll please)… hosting a podcast!

The interview was brief, but throughout the clip, Wendy had some eyebrow-raising things to say about her intentions to go digital for her audience. And she got very real about the end of her daytime TV career and her health.

Related: Sherri Shepherd’s Surprising Response To Wendy Blasting Her TV Show Takeover!

When the outlet queried the New Jersey-born star about her plans ahead, she explained how she’s not concerned about where she stands financially. Instead, she said she wanted to try the new hosting format offered by doing a podcast, saying:

“I was like, I’ve got enough money to do something else, and what I’ve never done are podcasts. Which, by the way, podcasts [are something] everyone has, but when you’re famous, podcasts will make more money for me, being famous, than doing the Wendy Williams Show. So, podcasts.”


As for where this will happen, Wendy seemed open to being able to move around and travel a bit. That’s the benefit of a podcast, after all — you can host the show from wherever you are, right?!

But it’s the way she said it that was, uhhh, a little concerning for fans. She hypothesized she may go to Europe, and possibly even to “the France” (?!) to record some of her shows, saying:

“Where will I go? I’m not sure. Europe? You know, the France? Wherever I want to go. Also, I know… many people. Many people.”

Wendy mentioned her rep Will Selby by name several times during the interview, as well. She explained how he helped set up this new plan to pursue a podcasting future:

“Will and I are in partnership, like I told you. Will did all this for me. And so Will and I are partnership [sic], and what, so, the beginning of what we’re going to do, a podcast, will be with a certain person, and then we will continue podcasts.”

And then she said some confusing things, too.

Immediately after beaming about Selby’s role in transitioning her to this new format, Wendy added this comment (below), broken up for a few seconds in the middle by a faulty internet connection:

“And, you know, honestly, I don’t know what a podcast is. … I could live for the rest of my life doing absolutely nothing. I can’t wait to fall in love.”

…aw, Wendy.

By the way, the news outlet asked Wendy about her health. So, the former TV talk icon LITERALLY pulled her foot onto the screen to show the serious effects of the lymphedema she has been experiencing.

Asking the TMZ hosts whether they could see her foot on screen (they could), she said:

“I can only feel maybe five percent of my feet, do you understand? That means normally I’d be in a wheelchair. I’m not in a wheelchair. I stand up.”

Wow. We sincerely hope she gets past these health issues and finds balance again! That is clearly such an important fight.

Then, when one host asked how she feels through it all, Wendy shot back “better than you.”

She also explained her future intentions:

“Excuse me, I am 100% retired [from] the Wendy Williams Show. And I don’t want to be on TV, except for guest hosting.”

Damn! At that point, Wendy lovingly mentioned Whoopi Goldberg by name, and said she loves The View. So maybe there’s a future guest hosting possibility there at some point?! That’d definitely be something.

Regardless, you can see the full interview HERE.

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[Image via The Wendy Williams Show/YouTube]

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Jun 28, 2022 17:40pm PDT