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West Virginia Public Schools Are Trying To Protect LGBT Students

lea mishele slushy
For the first time ever, West Virginia schools could acknowledge that sexual orientation and gender identity are targets of bullying.
A anti-bullying policy for West Virginia has been proposed, and if passed it can help protect the LGBT students.
How does acknowledging LGBT students as a target for bullying keep help protect students? Bradley Milam, executive director for the civil rights group Fairness West Virginia explains that it would mean teachers and school authority figures would have to help students being picked on for their sexual orientation and gender identity. Milam says:

“Teachers may feel they’re putting their reputation or job at stake by protecting a student. But now, they can simply point to the policy.”

Of course, not everyone is supports the new policy. The Westboro Baptist Church Virginia Family Foundation says

“[The policy is a] well thought-out, well-crafted design, done for no other reason than to promote the homosexual agenda. They’re trying to force a lifestyle that a majority of the people of West Virginia do not want their kids exposed to. It undermines their values and their religious teaching.”

Yes, and in the 1960s they may have said the same about racial discrimination.
ANYWAY! The changes that acknowledge the targeting (LGBT) students would go into effect July 1. It’s a long time away, but our fingers are crossed!

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Nov 08, 2011 16:00pm PDT

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