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Whitney "Partied Heavily" Night Before Death

We were afraid of hearing something like this.
The night before Whitney Houston was found dead in her room at the Beverly Hilton, she had “partied heavily” with a group of friends at the hotel bar.
Hotel staff say Whitney and her friends were drinking for a very long time and were being very loud – so much so that they stood out even among all the other pre-Grammy festivities that were going on in the hotel.
As we mentioned earlier, Whitney was found dead in the bathtub of her hotel room. Police say prescription pills were found.
We won’t know the exact cause of death until an autopsy is completed, but it’s possible that Whitney may have OD’d or drowned.
Absolutely gut-wrenching. Alcohol and pills just DO NOT mix. Sad, sad…
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 12, 2012 11:20am PDT

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