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Woman Loses $10K Engagement Ring In Dressing Room, Leaving SO MANY Unanswered Questions!

Someone lost her pricy engagement ring in New York after deciding to take it off in an H&M dressing room!
What?? Why? How?? Huh???
Want to feel as confused as we do? Then read on, Perezcious reader! Read on.
A 23-year-old woman decided to go shopping at H&M in New York this week — at the 515 Broadway location to be exact. For some unimaginable reason, she found it necessary to take off her custom-made $10,000 engagement ring to try on clothes in the dressing room.
Can you guess what happens next?
She left the very cumbersome stone in the dressing room, exited the store, realized her mistake, then rushed back in an attempt to recover her misplaced piece of jewelry that, in all reality, should’ve never left her finger to begin with.
When she returned, the expensive ring was gone. Shocker!
Police say two women were seen entering the dressing room after her, however, there is no evidence proving they stole it.
That leaves us with so many questions that will probably never be answered, such as: Why would anyone need to take off a ring to try on clothing? Was the stone seriously so unwieldy that it wouldn’t fit through a sleeve or something?? If you absolutely HAD to take your ring off, why not stash it somewhere safe where you definitely wouldn’t forget it? That’s what purses are for, right? Speaking of which, have you checked your purse yet??
The whole situation is just frustrating to think about since it was so easily preventable, LOLz!

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Apr 13, 2014 10:59am PDT