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Ewwww! Woman Sues Car Dealership Over Dead Body Smell!

If this doesn’t deter you from buying a used car, nothing ever will.
A woman in Michigan drove off the lot last March in a used 2006 Ford Expedition. The car was running fine, but one day, she noticed a distinct smell coming from the rear of the car – the smell of death!
The rotting smell became clearly evident as the weather got warmer; it was too cold to notice it when she first bought the car. Upon further investigation with her insurance company, she uncovered that the car had been stolen THREE TIMES when it was used as a rental and in fact, a dead body was stowed inside at one point.
As you can imagine, none of this was shared with the woman when she bought the car and furious with this omission, she drove the car back the dealer and demanded a refund. They’ve refused, so she is dragging them into court.
We think she has a case! Exhibit A should be the odor wafting out of her trunk! That will turn a jury in her favor right quick.
[Image via WENN.]

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Dec 07, 2011 09:00am PDT

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