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Woman Designs Dress Out Of 555 Ikea Bags

Who said the 59 cent recyclable shopping bags from Ikea were only to be used for carrying around your purchased goods?!?
Ida-Marie Corell bought 555 blue Ikea bags for $330, which probably made her seem like a crazy bag lady, but Miz Corell was not just stocking up for her shopping trips, she created a humongous gown with the bright totes.
The woman used the glowing yellow handles as the straps, while all 555 bags flowed into space forever.
You may be wondering, why, why, and why, right?
Well, Ida-Marie is part of Oh, Plastiksack!, a group exhibition that is based on the plastic bag.
The designer’s bag Ikea dress will be on display at the Zurich Gallery for the opening group show along with superhero toys maintained in freezer bags, suits, and furniture made from take out bags.
Corell said about plastic:

“The identity of plastic is multi-faceted. A simple piece of trash, an ecological hazard, a symbol of consumerism, and a history-defining invention.”

We’re not quite sure if her bag dress even looks like a dress, and it certainly isn’t couture, but we just wish it was a little more flattering.
Using the handles as straps was a great idea, but the rest of the frock just looks like a bunch of bags hanging off her body.
Maybe Beth Ditto should’ve stepped in to help Ida-Marie, because if we recall correctly, she wanted to create Ikea-inspired clothing!
What do U think?!?
[Images courtesy of Michael Lio/ Ida-Marie Corelli.]

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Aug 09, 2012 07:58am PDT