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Zac Efron Makes It Very Clear He's Not Ready To Talk About Kids In This Candid 73 Question Interview With Vogue!

If Zac Efron wanted to invite us to his barbecue, that would be great. Amazing. Perfect.
You know, all of the good adjectives!
Vogue got to hang out with the actor AT HIS HOME to ask him 73 questions, and he most definitely delivered.
Some things we learned? He is a HUGE Celine Dion fan, can do a flawless Seth Rogen impression, and he really doesn’t want to talk about having babies!
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When asked an hypothetical question about if he had a daughter in 20 years, what age would you let her date? Zac’s response:

“What the heck? That’s crazy. I don’t even want to go there; way too early.”

It has to be one of the more candid of the lightning round interviews, especially since there were a couple questions he didn’t really want to answer.
Watch it all (above), especially if you want to see him reminisce about his High School Musical days AND find out which star he wants to do a love scene with!

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Sep 27, 2017 17:00pm PDT