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Boycott Facebook! Here's Why


We’re so glad we’ve never uploaded any of our stuff onto Facebook!

You Facebook users are SCREWED.

Did you know that everything you’ve loaded up into your profile (personal pictures, etc.) belongs to Facebook, even after you’ve closed your account?

That’s what it says in the Terms of Service you agreed to when you opened your account, apparently.

The Consumerist recently uncovered this disturbing info and it’s causing quite a stir.

So, what does this mean?

Basically, Facebook can do whatever the hell they want with YOUR STUFF.

And, they can do so WITHOUT your permission.

For example, they can license your personal pictures out to companies, make a shizzle of money and don’t have to give you a dime.

Sounds really, really shitty and sooo shady!!!!!

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Feb 16, 2009 13:45pm PDT

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