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9 Workout Shortcuts From Celeb Trainers!

Tennis Shoes Holiday
With the stress of the holidays and the lack of time, the last thing we all need is a work out plan that takes the place of seeing our kids or only giving us two hours of sleep at night because it takes so long.
Well look no further, and tell Timmy you CAN make his karate tournament, because here are 9 workout shortcuts from celeb trainers!!
Amp It Up To Relax

“The holidays are stressful as it is, but we instinctively choose the exact opposite of what we really need to reduce that stress. In reality — the thing that makes the holidays more fun and relaxing is healthy living. When you move physically, you sleep better. And when you sleep better, you’re less stressed, so your cortisol levels are lower and you are less likely to eat high-fat, high-sugar foods as a result. And when you sleep better, you’re less stressed, so your cortisol levels are lower and you are less likely to eat high-fat, high-sugar foods as a result. And when you eat better, you sleep better too — it’s a cycle.”

Also, you should work out even if it isn’t as long as workouts before the holiday — something is better than nothing!
Start Early

“Teach by example. Don’t turn your regimen into a spectacle or make everyone work around your fitness schedule — it’ll just make them criticize exercise even more.”

So wake up early and get it out of the way before the day commences. You’ll feel good about yourself AND won’t have to compromise your time with others!
Bring Supplies

“I travel with my 3-pound weights. Sometimes it costs me a bit more in luggage fees, but it means that much to me.”

Bring your fitness DVD, strap your bike to your car. Whatever it takes!
If You Can’t Bring It, Improvise

“As the end user, you define the exercise: a combination of Pilates, yoga moves and squats, The advantage of that is that you never really get bored — and it compliments whatever fitness plan you have at home.”

Don’t worry about being stuck in a place without access to your equipment, or if you can’t afford to pack weights. Use your body as an advantage!
Remember The Small Muscles
You’re more active than you think. Carrying packages, luggage, siblings. Running around in a panic. Those sort of things. Just don’t forget to help out those smaller muscles.

“Anything that you can use to challenge balance while you’re doing strength training will help you exercise not just the large muscle groups, but also the smaller ones,” Anderson says. She recommends kneeling with one leg on a chair while the other performs leg lifts — or standing on a soft surface while doing squats.

If you just absolutely have no time for anything, focus on your upper body posture.

“Work your upper body. It’s great for your posture and doesn’t require any weights.”

This include doing things like “swan arms” like the motions you see during swan lake. Plus you can do them during holiday dinners, and it’ll be hilarious to see people watching you do it.

“Cardio is better if you’re really stressed out because endorphins kick in. Ultimately, everybody needs to be doing the toning work, but in the short term, it’s better to do what’s going to feel best for you.”

Go for a run.
Don’t Stop
Keep that willpower. Think of how good you’ll feel when you know you didn’t let the holiday beat your health!

“Doing the hard work to be a good exerciser is a big, big mental accomplishment.”

Get Back On Track
If you do get tripped up and end up spending the holiday on the couch with a bag of chips and dip, don’t extend the party past the holiday. Get back at it, and get back on track once things hit their normal stride again. Don’t beat yourself up — it already happened. Focus on what you’re going to do about it!
Good luck and happy holidays, guys!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Dec 26, 2011 14:30pm PDT

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