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25-Year-Old Mistress Of Addison Rae's Dad Speaks Out About Affair & Alleged Pregnancy Scare As The TikTok Star's Mom Reacts!

25-Year-Old Mistress Of Addison Rae's Dad Speaks Out About Affair As The TikTok Star's Mom Reacts!

Addison Rae‘s father is in some deep s**t!

Monty Lopez, who is 46 years old, allegedly had an almost five-month-long affair with a 25-year-old woman named Renée Ash. That’s according to Page Six, which first reported the bombshell news late on Thursday night.

Of course, Lopez has been in the news recently anyways, after supposedly being caught trying to cheat on his wife, and Addison’s mother, Sheri Easterling, in a club. But this reveal is much more significant than that, even — and will no doubt send shockwaves through the TikTok star’s camp! YIKES!!

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Ash, who lives in El Lay, spoke to the outlet about her apparent relationship with Lopez. She informed them she’d carried out a nearly five-month affair with the dad of three after being “misled” on the status of his marriage. The spurned woman said:

“Unfortunately, he misled me on his marriage, he lied to me. He told me that we were going to be together and have babies together.”

She continued:

“He even introduced me to his mom, his youngest brother and I thought we had something real. He told me a story of his marriage that convinced me that they were apart and in the process of getting a divorce.”


Ash claimed to the outlet that she began dating Lopez in March after meeting him through a mutual friend. And she continued to voice her apologies for the relationship, explaining her regret in being involved in the tense situation:

“If anybody was hurting, it was me and his family. I am beyond sorry for that. I loved him and I believed him. When I found out about the other young girls, my heart broke. I am so sorry if anything I have said has hurt his family any more than he already has. And I am also sorry that he has hurt me so deeply that I believed we were in love.”


The younger woman says she split from Lopez this week. The aforementioned allegations first surfaced of him supposedly hitting on other women proved to be the final straw for Renée. Lopez, meanwhile, has three children — 21-year-old Addison, 14-year-old son Enzo, and 8-year-old son Lucas — with his 42-year-old wife. The duo first married in 2004, split up years later, and eventually remarried in 2017.

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Even crazier, the outlet released alleged text message and WhatsApp conversations between Lopez and Ash about their supposed future together. At one point in the texts, Lopez claimed the duo were “a power couple,” and reportedly led Ash along towards promises of a bright future together.

Lopez also appeared to blast his relationship with Easterling. He claimed to the younger woman that it was “weird,” and that Sheri was often “bitching at” and “f**king with” him, while promising Ash things would be different with her.

A source reported to the outlet that Lopez’s relationship tactics with Renée were supposedly manipulative:

“Anytime she spoke to a male, Renée would never hear the end of it. Monty would threaten to break up with her over stuff that he seemed to be doing himself.”

Yeahhhhh that’s not healthy… Things first got really tense in late May and early June during a pregnancy scare. Through that time, Lopez appeared to text Ash about a mutual dream of having kids together, at one point writing:

“We will have amazing kids together”

She responded:

“Do you want more/when are you telling your current ones”


In response, Lopez dodged the admission request, and supposedly said that more children “would be fun not necessary” while teasing an Ibiza visit with Ash that never happened. Even throughout, he texted her his family plans via WhatsApp, allegedly adding this two days after the first conversation:

“Always family first but after marriage we are family. Boys have my name girls have yours. Are you ok with that?”

He later called Ash his “queen,” and he was her “king,” and added:

“We are the chosen ones. I love you … I will always be forever indebted to you.”

The “chosen ones”?! Sir, this is a Wendy’s. As the pregnancy scare subsided, the source claimed Ash felt she “had no support” from Lopez through the uncertainty. In one set of text messages afterwards, she allegedly wrote to him:

“You handled my pregnancy scare really poorly. I can’t handle … having two positive tests and [you] fully blowing me off … Especially after you kept saying I’ll never pull out [and] I want to marry you.”


The insider explained more about Ash’s way of thinking:

“Renée was relieved when her blood tests came back negative. She tried breaking up with Monty after that, but he started texting her again like crazy and they got back together.”

After that, Ash began to sour after Lopez apparently continued to stall with taking their relationship public. In messages, Ash pleaded how “this is so f**ked” that she couldn’t post about her older boyfriend. Lopez allegedly tried to calm her by telling her to “hold tight” and be patient. Hmmm… These are signs!!!

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At one point, Lopez seemed to suggest that a reality TV show could be in the works for the couple. The famous father, who previously appeared on Addison’s Snapchat series Addison Rae Goes Home, wrote to Ash:

“The producer from our snap has been messaging me all morning out of nowhere’s [sic]. I think they [sic] about to make me an offer. Then we can get paid to run around.”

Still, by then, the younger woman apparently wasn’t moved by the possibility. She told the outlet that things finally came to a head after the latest TikTok reveal, and she said:

“This has been going on in LA for too long and I just want to be the girl who is brave enough to tell the truth. Addison and Sheri don’t deserve this and neither do the other girls he’s disrespected. I hope telling my story sheds light on a man who has gotten away with their power in the industry for too long.”

In a pair of Instagram Stories posts published late Thursday night, Ash added to that final comment, as well. In a follow-up message to her followers thanking them for their support, she linked out to the initial report and doubled down on Lopez’s alleged power over her:

25-Year-Old Mistress Of Addison Rae's Dad Speaks Out About Affair As The TikTok Star's Mom Reacts!
“All I can do is move on and grow,” Ash wrote. / (c) Renée Ash/Instagram

So, that’s that, then…

FWIW, Addison has unfollowed her dad on IG, and Easterling has since removed the “wife” tag from her own bio on that site.

On Thursday night, the 42-year-old mother appeared to address the alleged affair and relationship report in an IG Stories post of her own, writing:

“Personal matters being brought public are always challenging and overwhelming for anyone involved. I will be okay. My biggest concern is — and always will be — my children and their fragile hearts and minds. I will always do my best to protect them.”

And she continued:

“My goal is to make sure that they feel secure and safe and know that everything will be okay. Thank you all for the love, support, and kind messages. It means the world to me.”

Here is that full post:

25-Year-Old Mistress Of Addison Rae's Dad Speaks Out About Affair As The TikTok Star's Mom Reacts!
Sheri spoke out on Thursday afternoon. Ugh! / (c) Sheri Easterling/Instagram


It’s a lot!! We feel for Addison and Sheri during this tough time, for sure.

Reactions, Perezcious readers??

[Image via Monty Lopez/Sheri Easterling/Renée Ash/Instagram]

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Jul 08, 2022 07:30am PDT