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Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes Is Bisexual?! Rumors Of Multiple 'Lady Friends' Surface!

amanda bynes bisexual

Well, she wouldn’t be the first starlet to explore a platter of sexual tastes…

Right, Lindsay Lohan??!

When Amanda Bynes wasn’t busy declaring her love for Drake or her unidentified future husband, the former actress was reportedly keeping the romantic company of multiple lady friends.

She’s on lockdown and Manda still finds ways to surprise us!

A source close to the starlet reveals that while Amanda didn’t keep her bi-curiosity a secret from friends, she wasn’t ready for her parents and the public to know. In fact, Amanda was supposedly getting down with a female neighbor who conveniently lived in the very same NYC building as her.

The source spilled:

“She didn’t really hide it or keep it a secret with those that were close to her, which wasn’t really a lot of people. But she was sexually and romantically involved with a close female friend of hers. And a couple times she even had more than one woman in bed with her. She worried that her parents would be upset about it and it’s not a label she wanted publicly. But I don’t really even know if Amanda is sure of her sexuality. I think she was just a little lost and yearning for love and attention anywhere she could get it.”


We don’t really care what Amanda craves in the bedroom, but we are happy she is out of the poisonous environment she created for herself in New York.

What kind of friend would out Amanda well aware that she isn’t prepared for the world and her parents to find out??!

At least now we know she’s surrounded by people who truly love her.

[Image via Twitter.]

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Aug 19, 2013 14:11pm PDT

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