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Amanda Bynes

The Victim Of Amanda Bynes' Latest Hit-And-Run SPEAKS!

We think the world is all in agreement with this woman when she says it is a VERY good thing that Amanda Bynes is off the road!
Earlier in the month of August, Kisa spoke out about being the latest in a long line of victims who were involved in car accidents with the apparently-very-troubled actress, who took off before exchanging insurance information, and now that her specific incident has led two one of two misdemeanor charges that could ultimately lead to jail time, she couldn’t be more relieved that the roads are a little more safe!
Kisa says:

“Someone could have died if [Amanda] kept driving. A normal person would not get away with hit and runs and she shouldn’t either. I’m glad she’s off the road. She absolutely needs to pay for her actions and taking away her license is a good first step. I feel she needs to get some sort of help and maybe this will be the catalyst.”

We sincerely hope that this will be the wake-up call for her that she so clearly needs!
But then again, we would have thought that the second or third time she got herself into a car accident would have done that!
Guess we’ll see on her September 27th court date!

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Sep 09, 2012 13:44pm PDT

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