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Animal Cruelty

NY Restaurant First To Be Animal Welfare Approved

A resultant in upstate New York has been the first to ever be certified Animal Welfare Approved.
It’s called Grazin’ and it’s a 1950s-style diner.
All of the restaurant’s meat, milk and eggs come from local farms, also certified by Animal Welfare Approved, within an 11 mile radius.
For a farm to receive the Aniaml Welfare Approved certification, it must raise its animals on a pasture or range.
The HSUS described how non-certifed farms treat their animals:

“Crated calves are tethered by the neck, pigs in severe confinement bite the metal bars of their crates, and hens get trapped and can even be impaled in their cages.
These animals can barely move for months on end. We wouldn’t force our pets to live in filthy, cramped cages for their whole lives, and we shouldn’t force farm animals to endure such misery, either.”

Many other restaurants get their meat from certified farms but Grazin’ is the first to be fully certified.
Grazin’s co-owner said:

“For some time now, I have dreamed about opening a truly sustainable restaurant which serves tasty, nutritious meals using only high-welfare, sustainably produced meat and other ingredients.
We only source our meat, milk and eggs from other Animal Welfare Approved farms who share our concerns about high animal welfare and environmentally friendly farming. And as we only use local suppliers, most of our ingredients will have travelled less than 11 miles from farm to plate, minimizing the carbon footprint of every meal.”

If only every restaurant felt the same way as Grazin’ we’d certainly be taking a step in the right direction toward stopping animal cruelty.
[Image via AP Images.]

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Oct 24, 2011 12:00pm PDT

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