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Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie Is Disappointed In Barack Obama

angelina jolie not impressed with barack obama
Do tell, Angie!
During a recent interview, Angelina Jolie opened up on her feelings about President Barack Obama, and yeah – she’s got some issues with him:

“There are many many things I think have gone in a wonderful direction, and there are a few things I am disappointed in. And I don├óΓé¼Γäót feel like tonight is the night to clarify but there are many wonderful things that have moved forward and of course some other things that are very frustrating.”

At least she’s also willing to admit that he’s done some positive things as well! Always good to give credit when credit’s due!
What do U think? Are U also disappointed in Barack Obama???
[Images via WENN.]

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Jan 11, 2012 12:20pm PDT

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