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6 Best Ways To Secure The Rose & Fantasy Suite This Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is here, everyone, so listen up!
Whether your significant other has a romantic night planned, you’re spending the evening solo indulging in self-care, or letting Tinder roulette work its magic — you need to be prepared.
And who knows love better than ABC‘s Bachelor franchise, y’all?
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Sure, sure — the show is loaded with cheesy one-liners and unique dates that almost never happen in the real world. But if you can look past the glitter and paid sponsorships just waiting to happen, you’ll notice the series does actually have some solid romantic moves sprinkled in there.
In an ode to show you can’t get enough of, here are six ways to secure to a rose and your very own “fantasy suite” this Valentine’s Day:

Be Ready To Open Up

Kelsey Poe
Make no mistake that the contestants who go far in this franchise are the ones who really put it all out there. The show is about finding love after all! So break down those walls, and let your partner in. Share those tender memories and what makes you, you. But beware of going too far!
That time your parents got divorced? Share It. Your worst heartbreak? Tell him more. The fact that your late husband dying is the most “amazing” part of your love story? Ehh, maybe not (looking at you, Kelsey Poe). The point is: leaning in to your vulnerable side can lead to an even stronger connection with your bae. For couples who’ve been dating for a while, V-day could be the perfect moment to get romantic but also dig a little deeper. So don’t shy away from it!

Make Sure You Look & Smell Good!

Ben Higgins The Bachelor
Alright, this one feels like a no brainer tip for most. But it’s also totally worth revisiting this cringeworthy group date of The Bachelor (above) where Ben Higgins judged his group of contestants based on the way they smell. While this ridiculous date made for some interesting TV, there was a valid point made here. The “doctor” points out that scent is the most primitive sense used for figuring out mutual attraction, and also the strongest sense tied to memory. So before you head out for your unforgettable romantic night, hit the mirror and pump a few extra spritzes of cologne or perfume first! Lord knows you don’t want to be that poor girl that Ben said smelled “sour.”

Get A Little Sweet & Sexy

Corinne Olympios
If there’s one thing we learned from Nick Viall‘s season of The Bachelor, is that most men still very much enjoy seeing women be sexy and play with food. We mean, is there much else to say here?
Corinne used her one-on-one time with Nick for a little whipped cream surprise, and the sexy power move totally worked for her! So take a page out of this contestant’s book and get creative! Whipped cream not your thing? Try some honey or anything else you’re into. Either way, we can almost guarantee your love will be inviting you to the Fantasy Suite after this!

Take A Leap Of Faith

Colton Underwood Tayshia
Okay, so on the show this phrase usually translates to a bungee jumping date, which we’ve seen many times over. Why? Because it low key works! If the weather is warm enough where you are, challenge your date to something most people have never done before. There’s nothing like a dramatic free fall with the person you’re literally falling for to bring you both closer! Or, if you’re ballin’ on a budget, riding a rollercoaster together at your local amusement park kind of works too. Kick that fear of heights and go for it guys!

Share A Sentimental Gift Together

Rachel Lindsay Bryan Abasolo
In the middle of all that stress to find the perfect V-day gift for your date, don’t forget to get yourself something too! If you’re the sentimental type, then you’ll know this statement rings true. On her one-on-one date with frontrunner Bryan Abasolo, Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay treated her man to a nice, classic watch and got a matching one for herself, too. So whenever either of these lovebirds (who are still together btw!) look down at their wrist, they’re instantly reminded of that special moment they shared. So this year, opt for a gift that’ll remind you of your love every time you look at it.

Be Present And Enjoy The Moment

Nick Viall Vanessa Grimaldi
Okay let’s face it. You can put in the work and make all of the right moves, and sometimes things just don’t go as planned! That was the case for Bachelor Nick Viall, when his sweet zero gravity date with season winner Vanessa Grimaldi went awry. Their unique activity was supposed to simulate what it would be like to float in outer space, but instead it left his contestant puking from nausea! But that didn’t ruin their outing, as Nick found a way to stay present and in the moment and comfort his future ex-fiancee.
Our point is, even if you forget to make the right reservation, or you spill wine all over your outfit at dinner — remember that it’s the day to celebrate love! Shake off any hiccups that may come up along the way and focus on what really matters: each other!
We hope you enjoyed this cheeky list of tips and tricks. Happy Valentine’s Day again, guys!
[Image via Nicky Nelson/WENN/ABC/Sybil Aaron/Bachelor ABC/YouTube]

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Feb 14, 2019 15:58pm PDT