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Barbara Walters Is Enjoying The View Again! Watch Her BIG Return HERE!

She’s bbbaaccckkkkkkkk!
After six weeks in bed, Barbara Walters once again took her co-hosting seat on The View earlier this morning!
The acclaimed broadcast journalist was forced to take a leave of absence from the talk show after fainting and hitting her head on the marble floor at President Barack Obama‘s inauguration in January and later suffering from a bout of chicken pox from a celebrity “who shall remain nameless.”
But no worries! She says even though people around her are treating her delicately, she is ALL good.
We’d be great too if we got flowers and get well cards from people like the president, Michelle Obama, Nancy Reagan, and the Queen of Jordan!! LOLz!
Ch-ch-check out the invincible 83-year-old’s energetic homecoming(above)!!!

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Mar 04, 2013 14:40pm PDT