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Bella Thorne

Bella Thorne Describes Being Slut Shamed Because Of Her Clothes & Lifestyle

Bella Thorne
Bella Thorne
is opening up about her experience being slut shamed because of her fashion and lifestyle choices.
When asked in a recent interview in ET about the misconceptions people think about her, the 20-year-old actress explained the experience as “hurtful.”
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The Midnight Sun star said:

“I think the most hurtful [thing is] when people look at you and they’re like, ‘Oh, [you’re] dressing a certain way. You have to be covered up or else you’re a slut of some sort,’ or whatever they want to call you. Whatever demeaning term they think fits you best.”

As you know, the starlet joined the #MeToo chorus when revealing her own history of being sexually abused. Now, she says people are understanding her more.
Bella explained:

“If someone says, like, ‘Why do you dress that way? Is it because something that happened when you were younger?’ And you’re like, ‘Oh, maybe it actually is. Hmm, that’s a good point.’ You know, it’s like kind of those small moments where you’re like ‘Oof, I wish that didn’t dig as deep as it did.'”

The former Disney darling has also been leaning on her boyfriend, Mod Sun, for support. She says he’s helped her regain self-confidence and to look on the sunny side of life:

“Meeting someone that’s just so happy, you know that’s kind of his whole thing, and for me [as] someone who’s a little bit glass half empty, it really is nice for me to have someone on my back that’s like, ‘No, it’s good, it’s good, it’s good,’ even when it’s bad. You’re always your harshest critic. He’s changed so much of my mindset.”

She concluded:

“When I see me going toward the negative I’m like ,’Bella, go toward the positive.”

Keep on keepin’ on, B!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Mar 21, 2018 14:26pm PDT

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