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American Apparel

Beth Ditto Talks Plus-Size Fashion & Hand-Me-Downs!

Beth Ditto just released an autobiography about her adventures of growing up as a poor adolescent and turning into a huge star.
But most importantly, she explained her personal troubles with clothing, which were definitely not a walk in the park.
Beth explained:

“When you’re fat, there is no American Apparel for you, there is no [sweatshop-free] option. I don’t think everything can be boiled down to right and wrong. If you knew how many pairs of underwear I have it would blow your mind. It is ungodly. Because growing up you ended up having to share with your mom and your sister and even your underwear and bras, or having to wear nursing bras because they were hand-me-downs.”

We’re happy the Gossip singer is doing what she loves now, and could care less about what Karl Lagerfeld has to say about it!!
Work it out Beth!!!
[Image via Patrick Hoffmann/WENN.]

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Nov 02, 2012 09:00am PDT