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Beyonce Sent 90 Roses To Mother Of Young Fan Who Lost Her Battle With Cancer! See The Beautiful Bouquet And Flawless Gesture HERE!

Beyonce sent 90 white roses to the mother of a young superfan who just lost her battle with cancer. That's so sweet of her!
We previously mentioned that a Beyonce superfan lost her battle with cancer, one that we all remember and love.
Just a few months from her 16th birthday, Chelsea Lee James passed away at John Hunter Children’s Hospital in Australia, and it moved the world — including the one person Chelsea loved to admire.
Beyonce, in her infinite amazingness, sent a bouquet of 90 white roses to Donna James, Chelsea’s mother.
Along with the flowers was a personal note that read:

“Donna, love and prayers to you and your family. Chelsea was a beautiful girl and I am so happy I was able to meet her. She touched my heart and I will never forget her.”

Wow, that must’ve really meant a lot!
We’re sure Beyonce is so heartbroken too but at least she had the chance to take Chelsea up on stage with her!
Chelsea’s fight is over, and she can finally rest now.
R.I.P. – Chelsea Lee James. Your time came WAY too soon!
[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 29, 2014 18:46pm PDT

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